Let Me Out: A Mystery Puzzle Game Set in Indonesia

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1269520/Let_Me_Out/ Let Me Out is a mystery puzzle game set in Indonesia in which you play as Alvin, a 10-year-old indigo child. The game is developed by Gamtropy Studio and published by Urocyon Games. Let's dive into the game's features and gameplay! Discover Indonesia's Mythology The game's storyline is set in an ancient village in Indonesia, where Alvin wakes up from a nightmare to find that everyone is gone, including his mother. As Alvin, you must explore the cursed village and find out what happened to your mother while evading demons that appear out of nowhere. Brew Potions to Exorcize…

Devlog #4: The Reason of References Ghost in Indonesia

Halloha ! There are many lore and stories closely embedded in tradition and culture that is passed down from word of mouth through generations from every corner of Indonesia and are still believed to this day. The spirits and mystical creatures in “Who is He Let Me Out” are representations of Indonesia’s variety of ghosts with unique origins that are aligned with the game’s story. one of the Indonesian ghosts that we raised in this game is “KUYANG”. Let us tell you these exciting tales of mystical creatures! Because everything has a reason and a tale behind it  https://www.liputan6.com/global/read/4049125/ramai-di-kalimantan-timur-ini-hantu-kuyang-versi-luar-negeri This spirit from Borneo…

by admin
October 18, 2021

Devlog #2: Behind Story of Reference Place

Hello, guys!I'm here to tell you why we used the name "Mata Kucing" for the settlement in this game.Because..? everything has a reason and a tale behind it!! ;) What is Mata Kucing? In the story of "Who is He Let Me Out" there is a village called "Mata Kucing Village" in which Alvin's family resides. The name "Mata Kucing" was taken to promote a zoo in Batam City which is a popular tourist spot. However the name "Mata Kucing" is also taken based on a famous haunted place in Batam City which fits the horror and mystery theme of "Who…

by admin
September 27, 2021

Roadshow Game Developer Batam 2019

      4happy-Studio.com – Gelaran Seminar Roadshow gamedev batam yang pertama di tahun 2019 diadakan di Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Minggu (15/09/2019), Seminar yang mengusung tema “KARIR DALAM INDUSTRI GAME 4.0” telah menyerap minat pengunjung untuk hadir pada kegiatan tersebut. Kegiatan ini dihadiri pula oleh 3 Pembicara yaitu Tri Sulistiono selaku Lead Programmer dari DIGITAL HAPPINES, Julio Andryanto selaku CEO Dream Games Studio dan CEO dari 4happy Studio yaitu Ervin Ahmad Nur Hidayanto.       Dengan kegiatan seminar ini diharapkan mampu membuka pikiran masyarakat khususnya kaum millenial bahwa kita bisa melakukan lebih selain bermain game yaitu…

by admin
October 7, 2019